
international CIM-Wallfaart op Roum:
ee Grupp mat Lëtzebuerger Massendénger ass mat dobäi (Busreess):
Départ zu Lëtzebuerg 28.07.2024 (owes) - Retour zu Lëtzebuerg 04.08. (Mëttes)
fräi Plazen fir jugendlech Massendénger: 1
un all interesséiert jugendlech Massendénger:
scheckt eis awer, Är Umeldungsfiche eran - mir setzen Iech dann op eis Waardelëscht.

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#Cim2024Roma #withyou #RoumLM2204 #matdir

Wëll Dir d’Massendénger finanziell ënnerstëtzen? (fir z.b. de Lëtzebuerger Massendénger zu Roum ee klengen Extra wéi “Glace iesse goen, eng extra Gedrénkspaus...” z’erméiglechen):
Mir freeën eis iwwer all léiwe Geste op de Konto vun de “Lëtzebuerger Massendénger-Archevêché de Luxembourg”: LU41 0028 4101 1668 9900 (BILLLULL).
Ee grousse MERCI fir all Är Ënnerstëtzung.

Mottolidd 2024 (wäert awer nach textlech déi eng oder aner Verbesserung kréien):

With you - mir dir - contigo

Hei: offiziell Informatioun op Däitsch

Den offizielle Pressetext vum CIM-Generalsekretär:
The colors for the national logos and the translations for the song will be queried at a later date in the official languages of the CIM.

The logo takes up the papal keys and the pilgrimage motto “with you” (Is 41:10). The keys refer to the Holy See - the destination of the pilgrimage and a sign of the universal Church dimension of the ministry. A ring connects these keys to pendants on which St. Peter’s Church and the pilgrimage motto “with you” can be found. The Petruskirche is the most famous church in the world and is immediately recognized as a place of worship. Together with the “with you” taken from Isaiah, it should be shown that the church consists of and with the people, here the tens of thousands of young altar boys and girls.

“With you is God’s personal address to each of us. This pilgrimage should help our altar boys and girls feel that the Lord has something big in store for each one of them. They are part of God’s plan. These young people are the key to the future of the Church.”, so Cardinal Hollerich, President of the ICIM for the Logo of the XIII. international altar servers pilgrimage.

The international logo is blue, yellow and white. These are the colors of the Resurrection and of the Blessed Virgin Mary and thus the colors of the entire Church. For the different countries and dioceses involved, logo variants are made in the national or diocesan colors and the motto is printed in the respective national language. This makes it clear that young people from all parts of Europe and beyond come together in Rome.

“Even if we speak different languages and have different cultural backgrounds – the good news is always the same and the ministry connects young people from all parts of the world. Acolytes do not need to be able to converse in order to work together in the liturgy. The service is also understanding and witness beyond the community.”, says Cardinal Hollerich to the expected large contingent of young people from numerous countries.

The hymn also takes up the motto of the pilgrimage and also lyrically connects the many cultures and languages that come together during this pilgrimage in Rome. In the pilgrimage hymn “with you” the Bible passage taken from the motto (Is 41, 9-10) is taken up. The text of the pilgrimage song reads: "I am with you, you walk by my hand, I give you strength for your life and the world. Don´t be affraid: I am your God! Don´t be affraid: I am with you!

The song is still being translated into all the languages of the countries involved in the pilgrimage. The pilgrimage hymn and logo are the results of international competitions in which numerous young people took part. The logo proposal was professionally implemented by an agency. The pilgrimage hymn was composed by the musician Matthias Gahr from the Diocese of Würzburg.

Background: The Coetus Internationalis Ministrantium (CIM) is an international association of those responsible for altar servers. He coordinates the international pilgrimages to Rome. The XII. international pilgrimage to Rome took place in 2018 with over 60,000 participants. From July 29 to August 3, 2024, as part of the XIII. international pilgrimage of the CIM (Coetus Internationalis Ministrantium), altar boys and girls from all over Europe are making a pilgrimage to Rome again.


Sidd all dobäi!

15.09.2022: Vatikannews

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