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LISEL asbl
Phone: +352 26 44 01 01
Mobile: +352 621 300 339

Postal Address
5, avenue Marie-Thérèse
L-2132 Luxemburg

For visitors
Convict Center
Building A – side entrance
(opposite to the municipality parc)



LISEL stands for Lieu d’initiatives et de services des étudiants au Luxembourg

LISEL is hosted at: 5, avenue Marie-Thérèse in Luxemburg-City, building A (side entrance), at 3 minutes from Hamilius, opposite to the municipality park.

LISEL is a student service, where we match needs and competences of students supported by a professional team, EVS and other volunteers.

LISEL is a place where everyone is welcomed, respected in his differences and challenged to grow together in humanity.

Opening Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 12pm to 4pm + Friday from 3pm to 6pm + during activities.

LISEL offers

  • International student encounters for discussing and sharing, dancing and fun, eating and enjoying
  • Personal counseling and support
  • Special activities
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